Finance and Corporate: Supply and Delivery of Industrial Gases

  Finance and Corporate is using Delta eSourcing to run this tender exercise

Notice Summary
Title: Supply and Delivery of Industrial Gases
Notice type: Contract Notice
Authority: Finance and Corporate
Nature of contract: Supplies
Procedure: Open
Short Description: Supply of cylindered and bulk industrial gases
Published: 18/04/2013 11:49
Please note that the deadline for response to this opportunity has passed. However, you can still register or log-into the Delta eSourcing solution to prepare your Supplier Profile for future opportunities.

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UK-Hamilton: Gaseous fuels.

Section I: Contracting Authority
   I.1)Name, Addresses and Contact Point(s):
      South Lanarkshire Council
      Council Headquarters, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA, United Kingdom
      Contact: Linda Haggart

      Further information can be obtained at: As Above       
      Specifications and additional documents: As Above       
      Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: As Above       
   I.2)Type of the contracting authority:
      Regional or local authority

   I.3) Main activity:
      General Public Services

   I.4) Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities:
      The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: Yes

Section II: Object Of The Contract: SUPPLIES
      II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Supply and Delivery of Industrial Gases
      II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance: SUPPLIES

         Region Codes: UKM38 - South Lanarkshire         
      II.1.3) Information about a public contract, a framework or a dynamic purchasing system: The notice involves the setting up of a framework agreement                                                        

      II.1.4)Information on framework agreement:      
            Framework agreement with several operators

         Duration of the framework agreement:
            Duration in year(s): 4             
         Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement:
            Estimated value excluding VAT: 800,000
            Currency: GBP
      II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase:
      Gaseous fuels. Propane gas. Liquefied propane gas. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Gases. Industrial gases. Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen. Medical gases. Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds. Welding equipment. Welding accessories. Welding materials. Supply of cylindered and bulk industrial gases
      II.1.6)Common Procurement Vocabulary:
         09120000 - Gaseous fuels.
         09122100 - Propane gas.
         09122110 - Liquefied propane gas.
         09133000 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).
         24100000 - Gases.
         24110000 - Industrial gases.
         24111000 - Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen.
         24111500 - Medical gases.
         24112300 - Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds.
         42662000 - Welding equipment.
         44315100 - Welding accessories.
         44315200 - Welding materials.

      II.1.7) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
         The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): Yes       
         This contract is divided into lots: Yes          
         If yes, tenders should be submitted for: One or more lots

      II.1.9)Information about variants:
         Variants will be accepted: No    
   II.2)Quantity Or Scope Of The Contract
      II.2.1)Total quantity or scope:
      Not Provided      
      II.2.2)Options: Not Provided         
         II.2.3)Information about renewals:
            This contract is subject to renewal: Not Provided         
   II.3)Duration Of The Contract Or Time-Limit For Completion      
         Duration in months: 48 (from the award of the contract)

   Information About Lots
      Lot No: 1
      Title: Supply and Delivery of Cylindered Propane

      1)Short Description:      
      Supply and Delivery of Cylindered Propane

      2)Common Procurement Vocabulary:
         09122100 - Propane gas.
                  09122110 - Liquefied propane gas.
      3)Quantity Or Scope: Not Provided
      4)Indication About Different Date For Start Of Award Procedures And/Or Duration Of The Contract Not Provided
         5)Additional Information About Lots: Not Provided
      Lot No: 2
      Title: Supply and Delivery of Bulk Propane

      1)Short Description:      
      Supply and Delivery of Bulk Propane (managed supply service)

      2)Common Procurement Vocabulary:
         09133000 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).
      3)Quantity Or Scope: Not Provided
      4)Indication About Different Date For Start Of Award Procedures And/Or Duration Of The Contract Not Provided
         5)Additional Information About Lots: Not Provided
      Lot No: 3
      Title: Supply and Delivery of Welding, Cutting and Inert Gases

      1)Short Description:      
      Supply and Delivery of Welding, Cutting and Inert Gases, in cylinders

      2)Common Procurement Vocabulary:
         24111000 - Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen.
                  24111900 - Oxygen.
                  24111100 - Argon.
                  24321115 - Acetylene.
                  24112100 - Carbon dioxide.
                  24111700 - Nitrogen.
      3)Quantity Or Scope: Not Provided
      4)Indication About Different Date For Start Of Award Procedures And/Or Duration Of The Contract Not Provided
         5)Additional Information About Lots: Not Provided
Section III: Legal, Economic, Financial And Technical Information
   III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
      III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:
      Not Provided
      III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
      Not Provided
      III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
      Not Provided
      III.1.4)Other particular conditions:
         The performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: Not Provided      
   III.2)Conditions For Participation
      III.2.1)Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers:
      Not Provided      
      III.2.2)Economic and financial capacity
         Economic and financial capacity - means of proof required:         
         Not Provided
      III.2.3)Technical capacity
         Technical capacity - means of proof required         
         (b) a list of the principal deliveries effected or the main services provided in the past three years, with the sums, dates and recipients, whether public or private, involved. Evidence of delivery and services provided shall be given: - where the recipient was a contracting authority, in the form of certificates issued or countersigned by the competent authority, - where the recipient was a private purchaser, by the purchaser's certification or, failing this, simply by a declaration by the economic operator;
         (g) for public works contracts and public services contracts, and only in appropriate cases, an indication of the environmental management measures that the economic operator will be able to apply when performing the contract;
         (i) a statement of the tools, plant or technical equipment available to the service provider or contractor for carrying out the contract;
         (j) an indication of the proportion of the contract which the services provider intends possibly to subcontract;
      III.2.4)Information about reserved contracts: Not Provided
Section IV: Procedure
   IV.1)Type Of Procedure
      IV.1.1)Type of procedure: Open
   IV.2)Award Criteria
      IV.2.1)Award criteria:      
         The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
            The criteria stated in the specifications, in the invitation to tender or to negotiate or in the descriptive document

      IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction:
         An electronic auction will be used: No       

   IV.3)Administrative Information
      IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority: SLC/PS/FINCOR/12/057      
      IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract: No

      IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document:

         Not Provided      
      IV.3.4)Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
         Date: 30/05/2013
         Time: 12:00      
      IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up:         English
      IV.3.7)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
         Duration in days: 120
      IV.3.8)Conditions for opening tenders
         Not Provided

Section VI: Complementary Information

   VI.1)This Is A Recurrent Procurement: No
   VI.2)Information about European Union funds:
      The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: Not Provided      
   VI.3)Additional Information: The tender documents are available on-line only via Delta eSourcing, and can be obtained using the following Tender Access Code 23CH62AU68
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:

To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
GO-2013418-PRO-4740795 TKR-2013418-PRO-4740794
   VI.4)Procedures For Appeal
      VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures:
      Not Provided

      VI.4.2)Lodging of appeals: Not Provided   
      VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained:
            Not Provided

   VI.5) Date Of Dispatch Of This Notice: 18/04/2013


   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         1: Contracting Authority
      City of Edinburgh Council
      Waverly Court, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         2: Contracting Authority
      East Ayrshire Council
      London Road, Kilmarnock, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         3: Contracting Authority
      Scotish Borders Council
      Newtown St Boswells, Melrose, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         4: Contracting Authority
      Stirling Council
      Viewforth 14-20 Pitt Terrace, Stirling, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         5: Contracting Authority
      Argyll & Bute Council
      Kilmory, Lochgilphead, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         6: Contracting Authority
      Fife Council
      North Street, Glenrothes, United Kingdom

   IV) Address of the other contracting authority on behalf of which the contracting authority is purchasing
      Purchased on behalf of other contracting authority details:
         7: Contracting Authority
      South Ayrshire Council
      Wellingston Square, Ayr, United Kingdom

View any Notice Addenda

UK-Hamilton: Gaseous fuels.

Section I: Contracting Authority
   Title: UK-Hamilton: Gaseous fuels.
   I.1)Name, Addresses And Contact Point(s)
      South Lanarkshire Council
      Council Headquarters, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA, United Kingdom
      Contact: Linda Haggart
   I.2)Type Of Purchasing Body
      Not Provided      
Section II: Object Of The Contract
      II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority/entity: Supply and Delivery of Industrial Gases
      II.1.2)Short description of the contract or purchase:
      Gaseous fuels. Propane gas. Liquefied propane gas. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Gases. Industrial gases. Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen. Medical gases. Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds. Welding equipment. Welding accessories. Welding materials. Supply of cylindered and bulk industrial gases
      II.1.3)Common procurement vocabulary:
      09120000 - Gaseous fuels.
      09122100 - Propane gas.
      09122110 - Liquefied propane gas.
      09133000 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).
      24100000 - Gases.
      24110000 - Industrial gases.
      24111000 - Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen.
      24111500 - Medical gases.
      24112300 - Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds.
      42662000 - Welding equipment.
      44315100 - Welding accessories.
      44315200 - Welding materials.
Section IV: Procedure
   IV.1) Type of Procedure
      IV.1.1)Type of procedure (as stated in the original notice): Open       
   IV.2)Administrative Information
      IV.2.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority/entity: SLC/PS/FINCOR/12/057      
      IV.2.2)Notice reference for electronically submitted notice
         Original Notice sent via: OJS eSender

         Notice Reference: 2013 - 104640
      IV.2.3)Notice to which this publication refers: Not Provided      
      IV.2.4)Date of dispatch of the original Notice: 18/04/2013
Section VI: Complementary Information
   1: Complementary Information
      VI.1)This notice involves: Correction
Additional Information

      VI.3)Information to be corrected or added
         VI.3.1) Both
            Modification of original information submitted by the contracting authority.
            Publication on TED not compliant with original information provided by the contracting authority.
         VI.3.2) In the original Notice

         VI.3.3)Text to be corrected in the original notice:

         VI.3.4)Dates to be corrected in the original notice: Not Provided

         VI.3.5)Addresses and contact points to be corrected:
            Not Provided
         VI.3.6)Text to be added in the original notice:            
            Place of text to be added: Section 1.4
            Text to be added: Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities:

Falkirk Council
Municipal Buildings, Falkirk FK1 5RS

      VI.4)Other additional information:      
      The tender documents are available on-line only via Delta eSourcing, and can be obtained using the following Tender Access Code 23CH62AU68
To view this notice, please click here:
GO-2013517-PRO-4813233 TKR-2013517-PRO-4813232

      VI.5)Date of dispatch: 17/05/2013

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