Delta is delighted to announce the launch of Contract Change Control in the latest release of its EU-compliant, robust, secure e-procurement service for public sector organisations. The Delta team pride themselves on being responsive to customer needs and the ever-changing requirements of the marketplace. Among its new features, Delta V5.8 benefits from value tracking of contracts, which is now available in Contract Manager’s Contract Register. This will assist buyers in complying with Regulation 68 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2015, “Life-Cycle Costing”, which states that buyers must take into consideration the entire life-cycle cost rather than initial costs only.
The new Contract Change Control module of the Contract Manager can be directly linked to the Contract Register, allowing the creation and management of amendments and variation to contracts. The tool allows for the recording of any change to the contract with special focus on any price amendments to manage the whole-life cost/spend of the project. A simple and intuitive interface allows the user to create a new record for each amendment and record the key information of the contract change including attaching any supporting documentation against each variation or amendment.
To find out more about Contract Change Control, please call us on 0845 270 7050.