Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult: AUIP Sensor Package

  Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult has published this notice through Delta eSourcing

Notice Summary
Title: AUIP Sensor Package
Notice type: UK5: Transparency notice
Authority: Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
Nature of contract: Not applicable
Procedure: ???respondToList.procedureType.DIRECT???
Short Description: As part of our Innovate UK-funded project, we are required to develop an offshore wind farm simulated environment where robotic developers can test and validate their systems. To ensure the simulation accurately reflects real-world conditions, we will conduct underwater mapping inspections of key areas of interest, such as the DARE Centre, Grimsby Docks, and LDT. These inspections will allow us to build true-toscale underwater environments, ensuring that objects and obstacles encountered in simulation match those found in real-world operations. To achieve this, we require an advanced sensor payload capable of high-precision underwater inspections. The Frontier Robotics sensor system is a novel, state-of-the-art solution that enables both 3D mapping of underwater environments and millimeter-accurate asset inspections of infrastructure such as turbine foundations and cables. This system is not yet commercially available, and we will be the first company to own it as an asset, po
Published: 13/03/2025 15:47

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UK-Glasgow: Industrial robots.


Description: As part of our Innovate UK-funded project, we are required to develop an offshore wind farm simulated
environment where robotic developers can test and validate their systems. To ensure the simulation
accurately reflects real-world conditions, we will conduct underwater mapping inspections of key areas of
interest, such as the DARE Centre, Grimsby Docks, and LDT. These inspections will allow us to build true-toscale underwater environments, ensuring that objects and obstacles encountered in simulation match those
found in real-world operations.
To achieve this, we require an advanced sensor payload capable of high-precision underwater inspections.
The Frontier Robotics sensor system is a novel, state-of-the-art solution that enables both 3D mapping of
underwater environments and millimeter-accurate asset inspections of infrastructure such as turbine
foundations and cables. This system is not yet commercially available, and we will be the first company to
own it as an asset, po
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Total value (estimated):


Contract dates (estimated)
17/03/2025 to 30/04/2025
CPV Classifications:
42997300 - Industrial robots.
Delivery regions:
UKC21 Northumberland

Award criteria:




An electronic auction will be used: Not Provided


Procedure type:

Contracting authority

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