Scape Group Limited (trading as SCAPE): UK-Nottingham: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services. *Duplicated*

  Scape Group Limited (trading as SCAPE) has published this notice through Delta eSourcing

Notice Summary
Title: UK-Nottingham: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services. *Duplicated*
Notice type: Modification Notice
Authority: Scape Group Limited (trading as SCAPE)
Nature of contract: Services
Procedure: Restricted
Short Description: Scape Procure Limited (Scape) wishes to establish a framework agreement for a four-year duration with an option to extend for a further two years. Experienced suppliers are invited to apply for three Lots covering built environment, infrastructure and place shaping consultancy services as defined by the NUTS and CPV codes below. Applications are welcome from consortia, joint ventures and the like; such parties must form a single legal entity to contract with prior to contract award. A maximum of five bidders will be invited to ITT stage for each Lot. One supplier shall be appointed to each Lot. This framework agreement is available for use by the public sector bodies (and their statutory successors) cited by name in Schedule 1 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and additionally listed in the published Corrigendum to this notice and online at:
Published: 29/11/2024 14:22

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UK-Nottingham: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services. *Duplicated*

This notice is covered by: Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1) Name and addresses
       Scape Procure Limited, 09955814
       2nd floor, City Gate West, Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5AT, United Kingdom
       Tel. +44 1159583200, Email:
       Contact: John Simons
       Main Address:, Address of the buyer profile:
       NUTS Code: UK

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement
   II.1.1) Title: Scape National Consultancy Framework   
      Reference number: SCP006   
   II.1.2) Main CPV code:
      71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services.
   II.1.3) Type of contract: SERVICES

II.2) Description

   II.2.1) Title: Scape Infrastructure Consultancy   
   Lot No: 2   

   II.2.2) Additional CPV codes:
      Not Provided    
   II.2.3) Place of performance:
   II.2.4) Description of the procurement at the time of conclusion of the contract:
    The services comprise a range of built environment consultancy as noted. In addition, ancillary services will be made available by the framework partner through their own supply chain.    
   II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession
         Duration in months: 72             
      Directive 2014/24/EU - In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years:
      Scape recognises the considerable investment in infrastructure, equipment and people, processes, and systems required to create and manage the expert, local and responsive supply chains to operate this framework. An initial term of 48 months will only be extended by 24 months in accordance with the terms and conditions as set out in the procurement documentation.          
   II.2.13) Information about European Union funds:
   The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No    

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2) Administrative information
   IV.2.1) Contract award notice concerning this contract
   Notice number in OJ S: 2021/S 000 - 002433    

Section V: Award of contract/concession

Contract No: 2   Lot No: 2   Title: Infrastructure Consultancy
V.2) Award of contract/concession

   V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract/concession award decision: 29/01/2021   

   V.2.2) Information about tenders
   The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No

   V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire, No. 1:
          Perfect Circle JV Ltd, 10219126
          Halford House, Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1HA, United Kingdom
          NUTS Code: UKF21
   The contractor/concessionaire is an SME: No    
   V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession:
   Total value of the procurement: 250,000,000   
   Currency: GBP

Section VI: Complementary Information

   VI.3) Additional Information:
      This Framework Agreement is accessible foruse by public sector bodies (their statutory successors), corporations established, or a group of individuals appointed to act together as defined by Part 1 of the Public contracts Regulation 2015 orcited by name in Schedule 1 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and online at: ( framework-usage-eligibility) .
To view this notice, please click here:
   VI.4) Procedures for review
      VI.4.1) Review Body
       The High Court of England and Wales
       Strand, London, WC2A 2LL, United Kingdom
      V1.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures:
      Not Provided

      VI.4.3) Review procedure
         Not Provided    
      VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
      Not Provided
   VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice: 29/11/2024
Section VII: Modifications to the contract/concession

VII.1) Description of the procurement after the modifications

   VII.1.1) Main CPV code:
      71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services.

   VII.1.2) Additional CPV code(s)
      71210000 - Advisory architectural services.
      71230000 - Organisation of architectural design contests.
      71311200 - Transport systems consultancy services.
      71315300 - Building surveying services.
      71410000 - Urban planning services.
      71530000 - Construction consultancy services.
      71540000 - Construction management services.
      79112100 - Stakeholders representation services.
      90710000 - Environmental management.
      90712000 - Environmental planning.
      90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services.
      71220000 - Architectural design services.
      71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services.
      71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services.
      71310000 - Consultative engineering and construction services.
      71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services.
      71311300 - Infrastructure works consultancy services.
      71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services.
      71320000 - Engineering design services.
      71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works.
      71324000 - Quantity surveying services.
      71330000 - Miscellaneous engineering services.
      71340000 - Integrated engineering services.
      71350000 - Engineering-related scientific and technical services.
      71420000 - Landscape architectural services.
      71510000 - Site-investigation services.
      71520000 - Construction supervision services.
      71541000 - Construction project management services.
      71610000 - Composition and purity testing and analysis services.
      71620000 - Analysis services.
      71700000 - Monitoring and control services.
      90490000 - Sewer survey and sewage treatment consultancy services.
      98113100 - Nuclear safety services.

   VII.1.3) Place of performance:
   VII.1.4) Description of the procurement:
    Note: This is a Modification Notice. The opportunity has already been awarded. The description was originally published under the Contract Notice Publication reference: 2019/S222-544746. The CPV codes used within the original notice still apply. This modification notice is issued solely as confirmation that the 24-month extension to the Framework duration has been utilised by SCAPE.    
   VII.1.5) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession:
         Duration in months: 72             
      Directive 2014/24/EU - In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years:
      Scape recognises the considerable investment in infrastructure, equipment and people, processes, and systems required to create and manage the expert, local and responsive supply chains to operate this framework. An initial term of 48 months will only be extended by 24 months in accordance with the terms and conditions as set out in the procurement documentation.       .
   VII.1.6) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession
   Total value of the contract/lot/concession: 250,000,000   
   Currency: GBP    
   The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No
   VII.1.7) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire, No. 1:
          Perfect Circle JV Ltd, Halford House
          Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1HA, United Kingdom
          NUTS Code: UKF21
   The contractor/concessionaire is an SME: No

VII.2) Information about modifications

   VII.2.1) Description of the modifications:
    As provided for within the Contract Notice, Procurement documentation, Contract Award Notice, and Framework Agreement this modification notice is issued solely as confirmation that the 24-month extension to the Framework duration has been utilised by SCAPE.    
   VII.2.2) Reasons for modification:
         Need for additional works, services or supplies by the original contractor/concessionaire (Art. 43(1)(b) of Directive 2014/23/EU, Art. 72(1)(b) of Directive 2014/24/EU, Art. 89(1)(b) of Directive 2014/25/EU)
   Description of the economic or technical reasons and the inconvenience or duplication of cost preventing a change of contractor:
    As provided for within the Contract Notice, Procurement documentation, Contract Award Notice, and Framework Agreement this modification notice is issued solely as confirmation that the 24-month extension to the Framework duration has been utilised by SCAPE.       
   VII.2.3) Increase in price
   Updated total contract value before the modifications (taking into account possible earlier contract modifications and price adaptions and, in
   the case of Directive 2014/23/EU, average inflation in the Member State concerned)
   Value excluding VAT: 250,000,000   
   Currency: GBP    
   Total contract value after the modifications:
   Value excluding VAT: 250,000,000    
   Currency: GBP

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